Mintronics are pleased to announce the release of the integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) plugin from Mecsoft, AlibreCAM. AlibreCAM runs completely inside of Alibre Design 2017, merging the power of Alibre Design’s parametric modelling with the legendary machining capabilities of MecSoft’s flagship CAM Software, VisualCAM.
The last release of AlibreCAM was in 2015 under the name VisualCAM. This was developed for use with Geomagic Design. Following the recent change of the Geomagic Design product into the Alibre Design product in 2017, development of the CAM product was restarted and the result of this development is AlibreCAM 2017.
Building on previous versions, the new release of AlibreCAM features a whole host of enhancements and advanced software capabilities. Here are just a selection of the key improvements to this AlibreCAM release:
AlibreCAM 2017 runs seamlessly within the Alibre Design user interface, giving you only one interface to learn.
Toolpaths are automatically updated when your model changes, saving you even more valuable time.
AlibreCAM is fully associative to any geometry changes within Alibre Design.
AlibreCAM includes 2-1/2, 3, and 4 axis continuous milling and hole making operations.
It comes with hundreds of post-processors and additionally a post-processor generator to create user definable post-processors.
Alibre Design and AlibreCAM 2017 provides fully integrated CAD/CAM software, delivering outstanding ease of use, power, speed and most of all affordability.
Visit our AlibreCAM page for more information or if you would like to discuss how Mintronics can help you just
