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Legacy Licensing Decommission Update June 2018
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3D Systems will decommission all licenses of Geomagic Design using its Flexera licensing on June 26, 2018. This will impact your ability to use your current product.

This licensing server will be decommissioned on June 26, 2018. This will impact your ability to license your current product.

This only effects licences Geomagic Design 15.x and Alibre Design 14.x or earlier.

This is not a termination of the licence but the ability to do certain things, please read the question answer statement


What is happening?


Alibre, LLC is terminating the licensing mechanism used for legacy Alibre Products. This change affects Geomagic Design 15.x, and Alibre Design 2012 (14.x) and earlier products. This change will take place on June 26, 2018.


Important Dates


June 26, 2018

  • Alibre, LLC will terminate the legacy Alibre Licensing Server for all Alibre products released prior to March, 2014

    • Includes all legacy Alibre Design versions through Alibre Design 2012 (3.x – 14.x)

    • Includes the first release of Geomagic Design (15.x)

  • To find out your version, go to the Home Window > Help > About and you will see a line similar to: PRODUCTVERSION 14,0,4,14056. This will tell you the version you are on. 


I don't use the old Alibre Design anymore. I have a newer version. Why am I seeing this?


Only customers using Geomagic Design 15.x and Alibre Design 14.x or earlier are affected by this change. In some cases it is possible that you are duplicated in our system and you are actually using a later product that is unaffected. If that is the case, we apologize for the confusion and you can ignore this message. If you have any questions or want further clarification, please get in touch.


You can also find out what version you are using by opening up Alibre Design. Go to the Home Window > Help > About and you will see a line similar to: 

PRODUCTVERSION 14,0,4,14056.

This will tell you the version you are on. 


Why is Alibre doing this?


The legacy licensing system has been in operation for nearly 20 years. It was not designed to operate for this long, and like any software it has come to its end of life. It uses old, deprecated technology and requires costly maintenance of both time and resources to keep running. We want to be sure we’re pouring all our resources into making new, exciting features and squashing bugs.


How will this impact me? Can I keep using the software I have today?


The termination of the legacy licensing server will impact users of Geomagic Design 15.x and Alibre Design 14.x or earlier in the following ways:

  • You will be able to continue to use the software if it is licensed already as of that date.

  • You will be unable to acquire new licenses for the product after the decommission date. For example, if you need to install it again, you will be unable to do so.

  • Depending on the version you have, there may be a small to several minute delay during startup. This delay is the product trying to reach the licensing server, but failing. Eventually, the product will start, assuming you have a valid local license.


What does Alibre suggest I do?


This depends on your situation. If you feel it is unlikely you will need to upgrade your hardware or change computers, and the current version is working for you, then you can probably get away with staying on the version you have now.

The best way to ensure continued use, and get several years worth of new features, is to get back on maintenance and get the newest version, which uses the new licensing mechanism. Please contact or use the foolowing links


For old Alibre Personal Edition (PE) or standard licences upgrade to Alibre Design Professional with one year maintenance contract


For old Alibre Professional /Geomagic Design Elements or Expert  licences upgrade to Alibre Design Expert 2018 with one year maintenance contract


I have a product that Alibre currently doesn't have. What happens to me?


Currently Alibre offers Alibre Design Professional and Alibre Design Expert. If you have a product that Alibre currently does not have, such as Personal or Basic Edition, you will receive a free upgrade to the product closest to yours. For example, if you currently have Alibre Design Personal Edition, you will pay maintenance and get a free upgrade to Alibre Design Professional. The ability to get a free upgrade will terminate as of the decommission date or if Alibre releases a similar product to yours before the decommission date, so act soon if you want to take advantage of it.


I have decided to get back on maintenance. Will I be penalized since I've been off maintenance?

No. Usually there is a lapsed maintenance fee. However, we want to make sure that everyone who wants to migrate can do so. For this reason, the lapse fee will be waived until the date of the Legacy Alibre Licensing Server decommission date.


How can I get back on maintenance?

Contact Mintronics or use the webshop for amnesty offer on Alibre 2018

For old Alibre Personal Edition (PE) or standard licences upgrade to Alibre Design Professional with one year maintenance contract


For old Alibre Professional /Geomagic Design Elements or Expert  licences upgrade to Alibre Design Expert 2018 with one year maintenance contract

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions

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Alibre Design is a feature rich 3D and 2D design program that's easy to learn and economical to own. It's powerful enough for your 5,000 part assembly and easy enough for your weekend project. See why Alibre Design is the smarter alternative to traditionally bloated, expensive 3D CAD packages with a free trial.


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