One of the best parts of our job is hearing about fantastic things our customer achieve with our solutions. We recently had some great feedback from Mike Williams. Mike owned and ran an engineering consultancy business in the oil and gas industry. Due to the nature of his business CAD software was one of the most significant expenses and was integral to their on going success. Read what Mike had to say about 4MCAD....
"Firstly, 4M CAD is a great value for money application. In my previous business I had several seats of CAD software from one of the major providers, had the 4M software been available in its present state back then I could have equipped the whole business for considerably less outlay than was the case. By the same token substituting Alibre Pro solid modelling software, had it been available at the time, would have also been very cost effective.
Download and product registration was a breeze - you would have to work hard to make a mess of that!
As an experienced AutoCad user I found using the 4M software very easy to use, in fact, I couldn't really discern any differences between the two. For a novice or first time user I would suggest that the software is no more difficult to learn than any other compatible software product. Software capabilities are well adequate for my model engineering hobby needs, and as mentioned above, would be quite acceptable for the professional engineering work we used to do.
Indeed, I would recommend 4M CAD to others who need a competent 2D package; it would be particularly attractive to small engineering business or those starting up as the user interface is so alike AutoCad the employee market for those skills is large."
We are thrilled to have yet another happy customer who has discovered the power and affordability of 4MCAD. Watch the video below for some of the latest features and enhancements of the latest 4MCAD release. If you want to know more about 4MCAD please CLICK HERE.