Alibre Design 2019 Preview
See notes as released from Alibre under the picture. We are all excited about the new release which we understand is now only weeks away!
Alibre Design
New to Alibre Design 2019 will be the HOOPS import/export pipeline. This addition accomplishes several exciting things. New Formats: NX , JT, and STEP 242 formats will be supported, and we hope to have more additional formats at launch. Better success rate: We tested thousands of files to find the best technology in the industry for import/export. We’re excited to announce that in our testing the HOOPS platform has a cumulative success rate of 97.46% across STEP, Solidworks, Catia, Inventor, ProE-Creo, Parasolid, and SolidEdge files. In contrast, the current cumulative success rate for Alibre Design 2018.x is 85% across the same files. On a test bed of STEP files with known issues, Alibre Design successfully imported 67% of these problem files. Using HOOPS, the new importers successfully imported 98%. This means a significantly more robust import/export pipeline and less time wasted.