Price Change Alibre Atom3D
We are notified that the price for Alibre Atom3D is now reduced to be in line with other continent pricing. We had listed the price of Alibre Atom3D at £249.00 plus VAT from this time onwards the price is now £199 plus VAT. This price refers to licence only purchases.
We can offer subscriptions that include all software upgrades for one year and two technical support questions for an additional £80 reduced to £65 until the 31st August 2018.
The total price of licence with subscriptions is £264.00 plus VAT until 31st August 2018
Or licence only £199 plus VAT, licence is perpetual
Web shop links
From 1st September price for AA3D with subs = £279.00
If web shop or pay pal is not for you then order direct by email or telephone
Many people are still on holiday so if you previously registered for a free trial and were not able to complete the discovery then please email business@mintronics.co.uk and we will extend the trial period.
if new to 3D CAD then please consult the support page directly on the Alibre website
If you received the incorrect pricing on AA3D please accept our apologies for the error.
We are keen to receive feedback and have our software evaluated so please feel free to forward your comments as our customers are driving the product.