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Event at GoPrint3D Alibre Design for 3D Printing Part One

For the morning session we focused on 3D CAD processes using the comprehensive and powerful Alibre Design software package. The first part of the demonstration was to produce a small fixture which could be used to hold pet name tags for engraving.

During this process it was expected that parts of the design might have to be revised after producing test prints (to adjust for any shrinkage, and to get the required fit of name tag in the shaped recess). A single initial test item was modeled – this was then combined into a larger multi-holder using Boolean Unite. This meant that any adjustments to the test piece file would automatically update the larger multi-holder as well as allowing the design of the multi-holder to be completed ahead of printing of the test item. The multi-holder base was modeled to fit an existing model of the engraver bed.

The finished items were exported as STL files for processing in the ‘slicer’ software, where infill, layer thickness etc were defined, before printing on Zortrax filament printers.

This free event proved very popular, and everyone who attended found the practical demonstrations extremely useful and provided a valuable and applicable insight into the entire 3D printing process. Mintronics will be holding numerous free events such as this in the future, to keep up to date and ensure your place please contact us.

Presenter: David Jupp

David is the chief technical consultant at Mintronics

since 2010

In his spare time! David contracts with Alibre for European support and maintains his own business Jupp Associates as an engineering consultant.

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