Legacy licences of Geomagic and Alibre
Old data bases are being decommissioned 26th June 2018
Detailed information for legacy licences of Alibre will be emailed directly to those affected in addition to this notice.
It does not affect anyone who has purchased a maintenance contract in the past eighteen months. Licences of version Alibre 2017 and 2018 are not affected!
Licences held on the old ALIBRE CRM
It does affect Alibre Design 2012 and earlier (3.x - 14.x) and Geomagic Design 15.x (licences 2013 and before)
Until the 26th June old personal edition licences can be upgraded to Alibre Design Professional with a maintenance contract, in some cases to Alibre Design Expert depending on the specification at the time of your purchase. Please contact the office if unsure of your options
Alibre Design Professional and Expert licences (including Geomagic Design elements) can be upgraded with maintenance and without any penalty until 26th June 2018. For example an Expert licence without maintenance £540 to "return" maintenance compared to £395 today
It does affect Geomagic Design 16.x and these licences will no longer operate 26th June2018
You are able to request a free upgrade to Alibre Design 2017.1 and your old licence can be registered on the new Alibre data base.
Please contact with the email business@mintronics.co.uk for questions.
Please check current version in use