Mintronics is moving office to 43 Duke Street, Darlington. DL37RX
From 1st April Mintronics will be resident in a new home near the centre of Darlington. This office includes training room facilities which will enable more courses to be organised
New dates to be announced soon for
Alibre advanced
Geomagic Design X for reverse engineering
Alibre Atom3D a one-day introduction
For those who do not know Darlington it is the north east of England and boasts excellent rail, road and air links. For course attendees travel is easy for example, Darlington station is on the main east coast mainline between London to Edinburgh and cross-country routes for Edinburgh to Cardiff or Bristol.
Alibre 2019
The new release is coming soon and Alibre made a second preview. For those who missed the email please find the links below, all were featured on the Alibre news release.
Case study
New Alibre Atom3D Tutorial- Advice-Common Sketch features
Alibre Atom3D Tutorial
As featured in the Model Engineers Workshop magazine
Written by Robert Footitt it is now available to purchase from the following link for £11.99 plus VAT
123 pages and 15,000 words the tutorial takes a step by step approach through a design process.
The course will be of use to all new beginners of Alibre whatever level of module, examples are new starters with Alibre Design Expert, apprentices and hobbyists.
A special concession will be made to MEW subscribers once the final tutorial is published in the April magazine.